Как отключить отзывы в opencart?


от chloe.keebler , в категории: PHP , 2 года назад

Как отключить отзывы в opencart?

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2 ответа


от rudolph_senger , 2 года назад


To disable reviews in Opencart, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the admin panel.
  2. Go to "Extensions" > "Modules".
  3. Find "Product Reviews" and click "Edit".
  4. Set "Status" to "Disabled".
  5. Click "Save" to apply changes.


от hattie , 10 месяцев назад


To fully disable and remove the review functionality in Opencart, you can follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the admin panel of your Opencart store.
  2. Go to "Extensions" and select "Extensions" from the dropdown menu.
  3. In the Extensions list, select "Modules".
  4. Find the module named "Product Reviews" and click on the blue pencil icon to edit its settings.
  5. In the "Product Reviews" module settings, set the "Status" to "Disabled".
  6. Save the changes by clicking on the floppy disk icon at the top right corner.

After completing these steps, the review functionality will be disabled on your Opencart store, and users will no longer be able to submit or view product reviews.