Как скрыть товары которых нет в наличии в opencart?


от jerad.kuphal , в категории: PHP , год назад

Как скрыть товары которых нет в наличии в opencart?

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2 ответа


от willis.streich , год назад


To hide products that are out of stock in OpenCart, you can go to the admin panel, navigate to "System" -> "Settings" -> "Edit" the store settings -> "Inventory". Then, under the "Stock Status" section, set the "Display Out of Stock Products" option to "No".


от autumn_parker , 8 месяцев назад


To hide products that are out of stock in OpenCart, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your OpenCart admin panel.
  2. Go to "System" and then "Settings".
  3. Click on the "Edit" button next to your store.
  4. In the "Option" tab, scroll down to the "Stock" section.
  5. Set the "Stock Checkout" option to "No" to prevent customers from purchasing out-of-stock products.
  6. Set the "Subtract Stock" option to "No" if you want to keep the product quantity unchanged even if it is sold.
  7. In the "Display" tab, scroll down to the "Stock" section.
  8. Set the "Display Out Of Stock" option to "No" to hide out-of-stock products from appearing on the front-end of your website.
  9. Click on the "Save" button to save your changes.

Now, any product that reaches a quantity of zero or goes out of stock will be hidden from your storefront.